Me in a Nutshell

I'm a senior at Northeastern University studying computer science and mathematics. I love learning about computer science, math, and the intersection of the two in science and education. If I haven't talked your ear off about something I've learned in class, you probably haven't known me long enough (or maybe just the right amount).

I recently finished an internship on the Demand Engineering team at Slack, where I focused on implementing Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling in the open source proxy and load-balancer, envoy. Previously, I worked at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard as a software engineering co-op on the hail team. My work focused on developing a distributed linear algebra compiler to enable the application of machine learning on large-scale genomic datasets. I also spent the Spring of 2020 as a student researcher at the Oxford Big Data Institute, working on a novel data structure and associated algorithms for compressing and processing large-scale genetic data.

At school, I spend most of my "free" time working as a TA for Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 and serving as a member of Husky Ambassadors, Northeastern's student tour guide organization. I am also a member of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). Last year, I was the Digital Core Analysis Lead in an awesome team of undergraduates competing in NASA's RASC-AL Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge.

You can learn more about my work and research on my resume. Check out a few of my projects below and let me know what you think!

Recent Projects


Designing compiler infrastructure for tensor algebra in hail


A clue tracking/completion app for Husky Hunt 2018


A keyframe animator for Object Oriented Design

Level Set Segmentation

Parallel algorithms for object detection using CUDA

Reach Out

If you have any questions about stuff on this site, feel free to reach out!